Spin Game Group/Space/Program Agreement 2024

As a Cycle 2 Spin Game member, I am expected to help co-create a kind, thoughtful, inclusive environment. This includes how I show up in class and how I interact with members in the group chat. I’m prepared to follow the group guidelines and/or adapt to the best of my ability to the instructions I receive throughout the program. I understand that when I work outside of the guidelines, I may create extra work for the group, myself or Brit.  Please contact brit@aerialfirebird.com if you have questions or concerns regarding the group/space agreement.


I understand that I am responsible for my own learning and progress in the program. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Attending classes/watching recordings

  • Completing LAB assignments

  • Asking for feedback

  • Practicing between classes

  • Generally asking for what I need

I understand that my results in the program are my own responsibility and that group participation can help me succeed. I understand that in the group chat I am invited to:

  • ask questions/ask for clarity

  • discuss my challenges

  • celebrate my wins

  • share my process

  • share my weekly LAB research

  • brainstorm and troubleshoot with the group 

  • encourage and uplift fellow cycle members 

  • practice vulnerability with my fellow cycle members

  • check in with the group, ask for accountability

  • ask for specific feedback on my work

  • share my work with no request for feedback

  • geek out about program material

  • have creative discussions

  • share pictures of my pets

  • share pictures of animals in general

  • bitch about life when necessary

  • provide schedule updates/weekly roll call

  • participate in ways that align with your mental capacities


I understand that I’m encouraged to engage with the group, contribute my voice, share my experiences/thoughts with the group. I agree that I will ONLY give corrective or tip-based feedback when explicitly asked for it by a fellow group member.  I understand that Brit welcomes my insight in the group chat. I can freely contribute to feedback conversations as long as consent has been stated by the original contributor of the content being shared/feedback is asked for directly.


I agree to TRIM MY VIDEOS tightly. I will not send Brit videos where I am standing around, thinking, fixing music, taking long breaks between attempts, eating snacks, or fixing a wardrobe malfunction.

  • I understand that I can ask for feedback publicly/in the group OR privately via direct message to Brit OR both.

  • I understand that I am expected to ask for specific feedback and will do my best to make clear what kind of feedback I want. ie: “Can I get feedback on leg pathway” or “Looking for feedback on timing” instead of “I’m open to all feedback” or “feedback please”.

  • I understand that I am strongly encouraged to share my work and progress with the group, regardless of which feedback option I choose.

  • I understand that there are channels set up for me to share in the group in specific, organized ways and I agree to use the correct channels for video and text submissions.

  • I understand that feedback can take up to 5 days, but usually happens much faster than that.


I understand that while I can share what I learn in Spin Game with my students, my use of any learned material will be solely to inform my own teaching methods. I am not permitted to create entire curriculums, copy content exactly or run spin programs directly based off Spin Game materials.

  • I understand I am welcome and encouraged to share glimpses into what I’m learning on my social media. However, I will avoid providing educational content to my followers directly from the Spin Game program as if it is my own.

  • I understand that when sharing program-related things on social media, I am encouraged to use tags and hashtags #spingame


I agree to take responsibility for reading all program emails and documents in their entirety.

  • I understand that I can communicate about my class attendance in the #weekly-roll-call channel only.

  • I will not use Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, or What’s App to contact Brit for program-related questions. I will use Discord or Email only.

  • I understand that while Brit may show up on Discord on Saturday & Sunday, those are her days off.

  • I agree to ask for what I need and will not assume that Brit knows what I need at all times.


I understand that all information, discussions, and content shared within the closed group chat is considered confidential and should not be disclosed to non-group members without the explicit consent of the original contributor.

I understand that when engaging in the group chat or in classes I am expected to promote inclusivity and respect as well as, to the best of my ability, foster an environment that is welcoming and supportive.

By participating in the closed group chat, I acknowledge my commitment to upholding these principles.